Imagine you're reaching out to a potential employer or a candidate for a job. You exchange a few messages, discussing opportunities or qualifications, and then when you reply... silence. Trust me, as a developer this is very frustrating.
Or perhaps you're in a personal relationship. You're chatting away, everything seems fine, and then suddenly, nothing. The messages stop coming, and you're left wondering what happened. Was it something you said? Did they lose interest? It's a confusing and hurtful experience.
Point is, is that, ghosting, is a bad habit.
Ghosting has become far too common in our digital age. It's easy to ignore messages or disappear without explanation when you're communicating through screens. But behind every message is a real person with feelings. Ignoring someone's messages is not only rude but also disrespectful of their time and emotions.
It's important to recognize that sometimes ghosting happens unintentionally. Maybe you got busy and forgot to respond, or you weren't sure how to say no, so you said nothing instead. But here's the thing: saying no is okay. If you're not interested or if something has come up, it's much better to communicate openly and honestly. A simple message saying you're busy or not interested can go a long way in preventing frustration and hurt feelings.
Communication is key, whether it's personal or professional. Let's make a conscious effort to break the cycle of ghosting. Treat others with the respect and courtesy you would want for yourself. Don't leave people hanging with unanswered messages. It's time to prioritize kindness and communication in our interactions, both online and offline.